Credit Portfolio Monitoring
Comprehensive and interactive dashboard module focused on the automatic production of reports to better assess and manage the credit quality of the credit portfolio and its evolution. This module also enables a more agile and reliable reporting process for different stakeholders by accelerating the production of insightful materials to support the decision making process.
Main Advantages
Strengthen the credit decisions and credit strategy of your organization based on timely and detailed dashboards on the credit evolution, credit quality, levels of non-performing and forbearance exposures and credit impairment values and allocations.
Interactive dashboard with a wide range of filters that allows the user to automatically analyze any historical period of the credit portfolio or any segment, product or subpopulation.
Detailed reports on the most important credit quality aspects of credit portfolio monitoring
Capability to automatically export the entire or preselected areas of the module to a PDF report to be used within the organization internal reporting process (Committees, ExCO and Board meetings).
Interactive dashboard with a wide range of filters that allows the user to automatically analyze any historical period of the credit portfolio or any segment, product or subpopulation.
Detailed reports on the most important credit quality aspects of credit portfolio monitoring
Capability to automatically export the entire or preselected areas of the module to a PDF report to be used within the organization internal reporting process (Committees, ExCO and Board meetings).
How it Works
Credit portfolio monitoring involves the capacity to periodically review and analyze the credit stock and its evolution in terms of volumes, risk, credit quality, profitability and performance.
The Credit Portfolio Monitoring module is based on the production of information from the bank’s integrated databases collected on a periodic basis. Those databases include information on loan data, client details and characteristics, risk metrics and parameters, collaterals and credit decision details upon the origination moment.
Set of dashboards about the credit portfolio and its evolution, New production, Credit quality, pricing and profitability and risk information. This module consists of a standard set of graphics that come up with the Solution, with the additional ability by the user to create additional graphics via Power BI features.
This module also enables a more agile and reliable reporting process for different stakeholders by accelerating the production of insightful materials to support the decision making process.Ability to insert conclusions associated to each graph or table and to export it to a template already prepared to be used to support bank meetings.
System Features
The following features will help you to identify potential problems or unwanted trends early and make informed proactive decisions to address those issues and contribute simultaneously to higher levels of profitability and lower levels of risk.
Impairment trends and corresponding risk parameters, IFRS 9 Stages and detailed analysis on triggers and correlations factors between different variables.
Non-Performing-Loans (NPL)
Non-Performing-Loans evolution, distribution by segment, collateral types, scoring grades and other variables as well as top defaulted clients detailed analysis and NPL stock flows between consecutive periods.
New Production
New monthly production including the credit quality of the new loans, the estimated net margin, the distribution of it by several risk factors like LTV, Scoring grade, Interest rate, Debt Service to income ratio, among others.
Retail and Corporate Portfolio
Detailed profiles of the clients within the Retail and Corporate portfolios, including Income, Socio-economic and Savings features and distributions for the first, and main financial ratios, Size and Economic Activity sectors features and distributions for the second.
Impairment trends and corresponding risk parameters, IFRS 9 Stages and detailed analysis on triggers and correlations factors between different variables.

Non-Performing-Loans evolution, distribution by segment, collateral types, scoring grades and other variables as well as top defaulted clients detailed analysis and NPL stock flows between consecutive periods.

New monthly production including the credit quality of the new loans, the estimated net margin, the distribution of it by several risk factors like LTV, Scoring grade, Interest rate, Debt Service to income ratio, among others.

Detailed profiles of the clients within the Retail and Corporate portfolios, including Income, Socio-economic and Savings features and distributions for the first, and main financial ratios, Size and Economic Activity sectors features and distributions for the second.

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Highly configurable software credit solutions that increase a bank's profitability and productivity while addressing today's banking challenges and opportunities.